What is Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment

What is Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment refers to a treatment in which your dentist eliminates bacterial infection that enters the pulp and nervous chamber inside the tooth.

Why is root canal treatment performed?

There are several causes that can cause the tooth to cause pain and inflammation, for example: conditions such as deep tooth decay, large fillings, dental trauma, a broken tooth may require root canal treatment.

What happens if there is no root canal treatment?

In cases where canal treatment is not desired or treatment cannot be performed, the tooth may need to be removed. It should be noted that the adjacent teeth around the cavity caused by the missing tooth will cause it to shift to that area. In addition, these slipped teeth are more prone to gum disease, decay because they are more difficult to clean. It is useful to make the tooth in the missing area as soon as possible.

How is Canal Treatment Done?

First, it is ensured that the tooth is anesthetized with a local anesthetic. Thus, the procedure is completely painless. Next, your dentist places a rubber cover called a protective Rubber Dam to keep your tooth clean and prevent saliva from filling up in the canal.

When numbness appears, a cavity (cavity) is opened from the upper part of the tooth. Root canal basins are used to clean and shape the inner part of the canals and prepare the root canal for a final filler material. A cleaning solution is used to help clean the residual tissues of bacteria or teeth that remain during the process. X-rays can be taken periodically to evaluate the ongoing process during the procedure.

When the root canal is filled, it is generally done by placing a rubber-like material with a sealed material that fills the entire length of the root canal. A temporary filling can be applied to the tooth.

remember that canal treatment treats diseased pulp tissue located in the inner part of the tooth; however, the treatment is not completed until the tooth reaches a stage where it can serve as a functional chewing. This means that a dental coating or a similar filling, inley, onley, is necessary for the tooth to function again.

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Is Canal Treatment Risky?

After the completion of the canal treatment, you may feel discomfort for several days following the treatment. To alleviate the discomfort, you can follow the recommendations made by your dentist. In even more extreme cases, your dentist may prescribe an antibiotic and strong painkillers to help reduce the remaining infection.

Following root canal treatment, you should not chew directly on the treated tooth until restoration takes place before the end of the superstructure treatment. It can cause fractures in dental tissue. It should also be noted that the longer the wait to complete the final restoration continues, the more bacteria will infect the root canal, which is being treated.

Root canal treatment, like every other treatment, is unknown and not free of complications. During the procedure, the duct slope may break in the canal and cause it to remain inside the root canal. In other cases, good sealing may not be provided due to the shape of the root. Finally, it is possible not to notice a hidden channel or an extra channel that needs treatment. Of course, these complications are no exception.

If root canal treatment fails, your dentist may consider alternative options that include repeating the treatment or pulling the infected tooth.

Teeth infected by bacteria will continue this route unless they are effectively managed. When a patient enters dentists to complain about a cavity, the dentist evaluates the situation to determine whether dental filling is still an ideal solution. A dental infection that becomes severe will no longer be repaired by traditional methods. This tooth either needs to be removed or a root canal can be given. A root canal treatment is a dough therapy procedure that involves removing pulp tissue from the tooth.

What are the Advantages of Canal Treatment?


A severely rotten toothache can be quite annoying. When there is a toothache, a person may not be able to work normally. He may lose sleep due to pain. Canal treatment will save the patient from all pain and discomfort.

Instead of losing and pulling out your teeth, it can save it and help keep it in the mouth for many years.

It is much more cost-effective than the extraction of the tooth and the prosthesis to be made in its place.

After a tooth is pulled, many changes occur in the mouth. Teeth can be replaced by loss, the opposite teeth can sag, so that the closing of the mouth may change. These changes can bring occlusion problems or even jaw joint disorders.

What are the disadvantages?


After canal treatment, the tooth loses its vitality. This makes the dental tissue more fragile. Coating on the tooth treated with canal treatment will ensure a longer lifespan.

Discoloration and darkening may occur in the tooth where canal treatment is performed. This condition can lead to aesthetic problems in the front teeth.